Scooter vs Bike

Let's take a look at how E Bikes and E Scooters stack up against each other.

Before you choose which type of electric ride will suit the needs of your daily city travels its worth weighing up the benefits of each category. This will help you make a purchase that will enhance your daily commute and general city living to the maximum. 

Although E Scooters and E Bikes will both get you to where you want to go with ease and convenience there is some significant cross over in the way they perform their duties. That being said they do go about their tasks in different ways when you are looking for specifics performance in a specific area.

The primary areas of importance to be aware of so that you make the correct purchase are as follows.


As a general rule E Scooters are more favourably priced than E Bikes,They tend to use less materials because of their size and they usually have a smaller battery because they are pulling less combined weight over all.

If you are on a tighter budget it's also worth noting that as a general rule the lighter over all weight of rider and machine will mean less consumption of electricity depending on riding conditions and riding behaviour.


Electric Scooters are very stable when ridden carefully and with respect for the conditions but there are times such as cold weather where the surface being ridden could be slippy especially in snowy or icy conditions where an E bike will offer a little more stability and traction. of course such conditions have to be treated with great caution no matter what your riding but its worth being aware of the different riding behaviours you might experience.

Storage / Transport

When it comes to E Scooter or bike ownership convenience is a big factor in your decision making process. 

It's in this area where electric scooters tend to have an advantage over E bikes simply due to their size an E scooter will be more easily stowed away in a car boot or on a commuter train and when you arrive at work your more likely to be able to find a secure place to keep your prized E Scooter safe and sound.

Daily adaptability.

This is an area where both categories have there own particular benefits and its very much down to your daily priorities.

If its additional carrying capacity and ease of use on a long journey then an E bike offers some major advantages over an E Scooter but if its the ability to make your way through a busy morning city environment and your not carrying so much with you such as taking a moderately sized daily shop home then a E scooter Could have the edge for you.


As usual is a tightly run race between the two categories but again on average E Scooter are slightly less impactful on the environment as they in general use less electricity to run and less materials to build.